Tuesday School starts September 12. We are very excited about the upcoming school year! We will have three classes this year for children ages 3-5. There are 25 kids registered for this year. Tuesday School is every Tuesday from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.

Our director is Karen Martin. Teaching in the green class will be Allison English and Darla Probst. The blue class teachers will be Cindii Holloway and Sonia Barnhouse. Ellie Chivington, Kelley and Jerry Hatcher will be in the red class. Becky Vaughan will be helping with crafts, and Phyllis Ream will be working in the kitchen to get snack ready. Robin Weier is our Bible storyteller. Our puppets, Jake and Julie, will be Todd and Kim Truax.

We look forward to the new school year and teaching the children about God’s word! Please take time to pray for the outreach of this ministry.