Adult Summer Series
On Wednesday nights throughout the Summer, our church invites speakers from around the area to lead our discussions as we move through a book together. We hope your family will join us in-person or on Facebook Live on Wednesdays at 7:00 PM, or click the links below to watch the recordings. Contact the office to request a book.
The recordings from the 2024 Summer Series are available below! Be sure to join us on Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM Wednesday nights at 7:00 PM for our regular Bible classes.

2024 Theme | "When Your Way Isn't Working" by Kyle Idleman
If you’re regularly feeling discouraged, frustrated, fatigued, or anxious, that’s a good indication that something in your life is out of sync. Drawing from John 15, Kyle offers a hopeful, biblical perspective on overcoming discouragement, distractions, fear, and isolation. Jesus told his disciples everything they needed to know to live a fruitful life: “stay connected to me.” But how do we actually do that?
In the end, the fruit of your life won’t have to do with what you accomplished but with whom you stayed connected. Because no matter what happens next in this uncertain world, what matters most, lasts the longest, and brings the greatest joy is staying connected to the God who never leaves you.
Keep scrolling to see the scheduled speakers and watch any recordings! Links will be made available following the sessions.
This Year's Speakers
section 1 : diagnosing the disconnection
Chapter 1: Diagnosing the Disconnection
Dion Frasier
June 5th
Chapter 2: The Disconnection Dashboard
Cody Balch
June 14th
CHAPTER 3: I WaSn't Expecting It to Be Like this
Bryant Myers
June 19th
Adam Metz
June 26th
Chapter 5: "I'm Worn Out"
Jason Blackwell
July 10th
Chapter 6: "I Don't Know What to Do"
Bryan Crum
July 17th
section 2 : the way of connection
Chapter 7: Be the Branch
Robin Weier (for Vincent Ford)
July 24th
Chapter 8: Picked Up and Cleaned Off
Jeff Darby
July 31st
Chapter 9: The Bonsai Way
Russell Howard
August 7th
chapter 10: tangled up
Matt Dahm
August 14th
Chapter 11: growing pains
Scott Perreault
August 21st
chapter 12: grafted and growing
Bishop Darby
August 28th
chapter 7: Be the BrANCH
Vincent Ford
September 4th
Books From Years Past

2023 | Love first
Hate, even in its most nefarious forms, is no match for the matchless love modeled by Jesus. Love is his cure for the sick and dying world. Historians, sociologists, and theologians agree that we are experiencing the most fundamental changes in global society in the last five hundred years. And while the church has a lofty vision and mighty power, we are disastrously unprepared. This book presents an understandable, practical, and doable approach to loving others with such clarity and conviction that the world will truly know the God who loves us first.

2022 | Everything You Need
In Everything You Need, bestselling author and Bible teacher Dr. David Jeremiah uses 2 Peter 1:3–11 to show you the path to spiritual and personal transformation through some of the critical tools the Lord provides—diligence, virtue, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, kindness, and love—to help you live boldly and confidently. Dr. Jeremiah also highlights the extraordinary resources God has already provided for your growth: His divine power and precious promises.

2020 | To Live is Christ, To Die is Gain
Each week we studied the book of Philippians as we looked at the book through the eyes of Matt Chandler and each speaker. The book was entitled To Live Is Christ To Die Is Gain. This book calls us to follow Christ with everything we’ve got. It is as simple and as profound as that!