Children's Ministry
The spiritual growth of our kids is a primary focus for us. We try to create a Christian community for our kids in our weekly Bible studies, regular kid’s activities, and our Junior Worship. Classes and activities are available for kids of all ages, infant to 5th grade, to prepare our kids to enter our youth ministry and beyond. Our Tuesday School preschool is also open for kids aged 3-5.

Weekly Bible Studies
Our weekly Bible studies are offered for all ages, kids and adults. The current classes offered are…
SUNDAY | 9:30 AM
- Cradle Roll
- Toddler
- PreK – Kindergarden
- Cradle Roll
- Toddler
- PreK – Kindergarden
Kid's Activities and Events
Our church hosts a number of seasonal events for kids at our church and in our community. Additionally, there are monthly activities to bring our children together, like movie nights and day camps.
- VBS (Vacation Bible School)
- Kid’s Movie Nights
- Easter Egg Hunt
- Trunk-or-Treat
- Breakfast With Santa

Junior Worship
During our worship on Sundays at 10:30 AM, following Communion, a children’s worship time is available for kids ages 3 through 5th grade.
In Junior Worship, the children sing songs, hear a Bible story, and participate in activities and crafts that follow the theme. It is very similar to our VBS story rooms and activities!
Kids are led back to the Auditorium after the conclusion of the sermon.
Tuesday School
The Tuesday School Pre-School is open to children aged 3 through 5, both members or the church and our local community. We follow the Westerville school district schedule with Tuesday hours from 9:30-11:30 am.