How We're Serving
A big piece of our mission is to “serve others.” We take Jesus literally when he defines what a neighbor is in the parable of the Good Samaritan. If you have a passion or an idea about how to serve, please let us know. These are a just a few of the ways we already serve.

One way that our church serves others is through providing meals. Every Saturday, a different group from our congregation gathers to prepare and deliver meals to those among our friends, family, and community who are in need. Know someone who needs meals? Let us know!
Efforts We Support
Jordan's Crossing Resource Center
Jordan's is a resource for homeless and addicts in the west side of Columbus. We regularly provide food and volunteers to assist in their good work.
Pregnancy Decision Health Centers
PDHC offers vital resources to care for the life of both mother and baby. We donate baby clothes and supplies, as well as participate in their bottles for life program.
Westerville Area Resource Ministry
WARM is a faith-based provider of food, referrals, guidance, and assistance to low-income families in the community. We provide transportation and grocery delivery on a weekly basis.
"Friends of the Homeless" Shelter
FOTH provides a variety of programs to homeless individuals in downtown Columbus. Once a month, our church cooks and serves a hot meal at the shelter.
Around Our Community
Our church hosts a number of community events throughout the year. These are the Easter Egg Hunt, Trunk or Treat, Breakfast with Santa, and our Christmas Eve Service. Contact one of our ministers to volunteer or learn about these events.
We also have a number of other areas of involvement and aid for our community. Some of these are…
Deaf Ministry: Hearing impaired individuals are able to participate in all worship services and attend a class through the use of trained interpreters.
Missions: For over 10 years we have organized and conducted a mission trip every summer to Honduras. Physicians, dentists, and nurses join us to provide medical and dental services to the poor in both urban and rural areas of the country. They also receive food, clothing, personal need items, toys, and a Bible. A construction team builds one or two substantial houses during the week long trip. Children are told Bible stories and participate in Bible centered activities while they and their parents wait for medical services. The congregation also provides financial support for mission activities based in Bulgaria and Russia.
Willow Brook Nursing Home: Members from the congregation conduct worship services at Willow Brook on a rotating schedule with other congregations.
Young at Heart: The Young at Heart ministry reaches out to serve the needs of our senior members. Monthly activities are planned for fellowship, service, and spiritual growth. In addition, many of the members look after each other by providing transportation and visiting with each other. The most recent service added is a Sunday evening 6:00 PM Bible study for all adults especially for those who are not able to drive after dark in the evenings. “They shall still bear fruit in old age; they shall be fresh and flourishing.”