Young Adults
The purpose of our young adult group is to create easy transition for our teens into adult bible classes, and to provide a space for adults in similar stages of life. Our hope is that our members of college age to about early 30s would grow in their faith and find their place in God’s kingdom.

Below you will find our YA events schedule! We believe that fellowship beyond a typical Sunday service is crucial. We host small groups in homes, worship nights, meals, and more, all for the sake of gathering in God’s name.
More information releases the closer we get to each date. To stay up to date, join our Facebook page!
Young adult Classes
Sunday Morning
9:30am – In our Sunday class, we spend time in the bible to equip ourselvesĀ for inevitable worldly and spiritual battles. We are currently studying the Sabbath, why God commands its observance, and how we can observe it better.
Wednesday Evening
7:00pm – On Wednesdays, one class for all adults meets in the fellowship hall. It is an invaluable time to learn with and be encouraged by members of all ages. We’re studying prayer through Max Lucado’s book “You Are Never Alone”.