Central Ohio Work Camp, sponsored by Churches of Christ, painted 14 houses this week around Columbus, including the Chivingtons’ house! Praise God for this group, “Taking Worship to the Streets!” Spring Road served chicken and noodles, mashed potatoes, green beans, salad, rolls and desserts to the crew on Tuesday! Thanks to those who helped cook, serve, and deliver the meal: Janine Stephens, Steve & Connie Deel, Todd & Kim Truax, Ranee Brown, Ross Lisman, Debbie Nichols, Makenzie Dagget and Robin Weier. Contributions of money and cookie were also VERY MUCH appreciated: Judy Earich, Maureen Dennewitz, Jim & Erma Lanier, Niedra Cebulskie, Karen Martin, Debbie Nichols, Jenny Longo amd Diana Morris. In addition, we supplied our vans for transportation needs to help cut expenses for the group. Spring Road Church served in a GREAT WAY… Thanks!

-Robin Weier