We currently have one associate minister, one youth minister, and three shepherds, as well as many deacons/ministry leaders leading our church.
this could be you
Worship leader position open with an emphasis on ministerial skills and outreach. All levels of experience are encouraged to apply. Please submit your resume and a cover letter to our office. Contact the office with the button below.

Nick Strawser
Youth Minister
I have grown up in the Church of Christ and became a baptized believer in 2011. I am originally from Beavercreek, OH, but have been in and out of Columbus since 2018. I have been married to my wife, Becca, since 2020, but we have been together since 2017 when we met at Northwestern Ohio Christian Youth Camp right after we both graduated from high school. I graduated from Ohio Christian University in the spring of 2022 with a BA in Student Ministry, and I am currently working toward a Master’s Degree in Clinical Counseling through Winebrenner Theological Seminary.
We are both excited to be a part of Spring Road to share Jesus with the congregation and the community. The family here at Spring Road has been an incredible blessing to me and Becca, and I am confident that they will be to any and all who come to Spring Road in the future.


Tom Daggett
My family and I have worshipped and served with the Spring Road family since 1989 and have been blessed beyond measure through the faith and love demonstrated by brothers and sisters, young and old. There is great diversity here and abundant talents provided by the Lord for His Kingdom’s Work in this community. I believe God calls all of us to his service and we should strive to make our lives an instrument of worship and service. Every believer that identifies with the Spring Road Church has been given gifts by design for the specific purpose of edifying each other, stregthening the body and fulfilling the service for which we were called…however, we will only see great results if every one of us believes we are truly God’s instruments and are critically important in His Kingdom Service, and then gives ourselves over to God.
J Haver
I have been a member at Spring Road since 1987 and became an elder in 2006. My family is made up of my wife, Angela, and our two daughters, Jazmin and Jade. I believe that everything we have comes from God and that we are to be excellent stewards of the blessings He provides. We are to become excellent managers of those resources- not only to share them, but to multiply them in order that God’s reach can be extended exponentially. God provides the harvest, but we are to work the field so that there is increase, and see to it that there are no spoils.
The members of our body are friendly, warm, and loving people. A smile is what you might recognize when you visit and I am confident you would come to know a great many in a very short time.

Mark Morris
I became a Christian in 1969, when I was 15 years old. I have served as a deacon over the years working in youth ministry at Southwestern Church of Christ in Grove City, and as the worship deacon for over a decade at Northland Church of Christ in Columbus. I have been back at Spring Road since ’06, after having been here before in the late 80′s and early 90′s. I have been married to my wife, Diana, since 1977. We have three grown children, Dana, J.D., and Caiti, and six grandchildren.
Spring Road is a family of wonderful people where I hope you can find a home and get involved in a ministry that puts your talents to good use. God can do so much with us if we allow Him to work through us as we work together. May He be glorified by all we do (Eph. 3:20-21).
Ministry Leaders
Adult Education | Tom Daggett
Benevolence | Robin Weier
Building & Grounds | Carl Brown, Jerry Hatcher, & Dan Martin
Children’s Ministry | Lauren Honaker
Communion & Baptismal | Elders
Deaf Ministry | Elders
Worship | Carl Brown and Mike Jones
Visitor Welcome | Hospitality Team
Legal | Scott Longo
Missions | Robin Weier
Secretary | Makenzie Daggett
Treasurer | Karen Botti
Asst. Treasurer | Ross Lisman
Youth Ministry | Nick Strawser