Adult Bible Study
Our Sunday morning worship (@ 10:30) is not the only time that we gather together to study the Word. Learn more about how you can study the Bible with us below.

Weekly Study Times
On a weekly basis, adult Bible classes are available at the building. These classes often include reading Scripture, group discussion, and asking tough questions concerning the Bible. Our regular class times are…
- Sunday AM | 9:30
- Sunday PM | Adult – 5:00 (Time Changes Seasonally — 6PM in spring)
- Wednesday PM | 7:00
Group Studies Options
NEW! On the 1st Saturday of every month, the men meet for breakfast at 9am. Join us for breakfast, brotherhood, and Bible, as we spend the morning visiting and taking a look at God’s word to strengthen our spiritual lives.
(On hiatus)
This group is an opportunity to bring ladies together to encourage one another, to fellowship, and to be dedicated to the Word of God.
Small Groups
We try to gather as Christians to study the Word when able. We have a number of Groups that meet on and off, but are always looking to equip members to engage in small groups.
Current Groups:
Lisman (every other Monday)
Daggett (every other alternate Monday)
Young Adult (Tuesdays, 6PM)
Contact The Office To Learn More (614-882-1900)
Wednesday night:
In Luke 15, the Prodigal Son has a life-changing AHA! moment that compels him to return home to the waiting arms of his father. Kyle Idleman’s book is all about these moments when “a sudden revelation surprises us with insight”, and how to apply three key elements — Awakening, Honesty, and Action — to draw closer to God and change your life for good.