Give Thanks to God

The Thanksgiving Holiday is an appropriate reminder of the importance of giving thanks. Giving thanks is more important than we realize. Jesus stressed the importance of giving thanks in Luke 17 when he healed ten lepers of their disease and only one returned to thank him. Jesus said, “Was no one found to return and […]

God’s Phone Number – Call Him!!

The past couple of months have been very interesting and at the same time a little upsetting. I have talked to several people who are going through an incredible amount of hurt or major obstacles in their life or they are having some big spiritual struggles. Some of them work for a company that is […]

Chapter 28 / God’s Search and Rescue Plan Involves You

William Pilkenton was one month away from turning eight years old.  His family had traveled from Bellingham, Washington, to Tofino, British Columbia for a vacation.  He and his father were walking up from the beach when his father turned to look for him and realized he was gone. When children go missing, fathers start looking.  […]

Chapter 24 / Breaking Free from the Kingdom of Me

Only 14.3 acres in total land mass, it is a small kingdom unto itself.  Located in three separate areas in the United States—part in Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Northern California—you can leave the United States and enter the Republic of Molossia.  It is considered to be a micro-nation . . .  a “nation within” our nation. […]

Chapter 19 / There are Some Things Worth Finishing

A few years ago we went on a cruise and got excited about art.  We bought a few prints and could not wait to get home, frame them, and hang them.  We thought when people came over to visit they would say, “Rick and Karen are so cultured.  We wish we were more like them.”  […]