REGISTRATION IS CLOSED! Please check back next year for more information.
[date] February 15-17
[price] $136
Hotel: Days Inn – 1109 Pkwy, Gatlinburg, TN 37738, 865-325-9026
Convention Center: 865-436-2392
The Winterfest Youth Rally is held in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Our youth group will be joining over 10,000 other teens in a weekend of worship and fellowship. The money that is turned in will cover the event, the charter bus, and the hotel room.
We will be leaving from Spring Road on February 15th, 7:00AM, and will be returning to Spring Road on February 17th, 5:30PM.
Please fill out this registration form for each person in your family who is attending.
For more information about the event, please visit
The deadline to register AND pay is February 3rd. Please make all checks out to “Spring Road Church of Christ.” Refunds will be unavailable after this date.
We will send out a packing list closer to the date. Attendees will need money to eat 5 meals throughout the weekend. All luggage must be packed in one suitcase and one carry-on bag.
Contact Caleb McGaughy with any questions regarding registration. We are looking forward to the youth rally this year.